
We see it as a virtue to make sure that both fit and quality is our highest priority. That is why we always make sure that a number of test persons test our bottom wear before they are put into production. You can therefore safely buy your bottom wear from us.







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    Buy bottom wear from Noella

    At Noella, we have a large assortment of nice bottom wear that can be used for many different occasions. Whether you are searching for a pair of pants, a skirt or a pair of shorts, you can definitely find an item that suits your taste. Bottom wear is an essential part of a basic wardrobe and in order to put together a cool outfit, the right bottom wear is without a doubt a must-have.

    Throw out your well used trousers and try something new

    At Noella, we have a huge selection of fabulous bottom wear for every taste. When you have to choose black bottom wear for your outfit, it is common to resort to the classic, and a bit boring, black jeans in your closet. And that's understandable. A pair of black jeans is easy to style with everything, but it does not always have to be your favourite choice. How about a pair of fabulous linen trousers, a long skirt in a deliciously soft quality or a wrap skirt with fine patterns and colours?

    Jeans from Noella that keep their colour

    We have started selling jeans at Noella, so you can always buy your basic jeans from us. We have made it our priority that they must fit well and at the same time be flexible and comfortable to wear. Therefore, you will find that the back pockets sit where they should and that they are easy to close as there is an elastic feature in the waist. Furthermore, our black jeans are Stay Black. This means that the thread itself is dyed with black, where this type of dyeing usually only takes place after the jeans have been developed. Therefore, the colour of our black jeans stay black better than conventional black jeans.

    In addition, we have developed the perfect mom jeans which can be paired with a t-shirt for everyday use and a beautiful blouse and sandals for finer use. So never enter a fitting room with five different pairs of trousers again, buy the right trousers easily at

    Use bottom wear with colours

    Even if you are a little scared of colours, it does not have to be that difficult to incorporate more colourful items in your wardrobe. You can for example wear a floral skirt in beautiful colours and combine it with a Viva basic T-shirt and a kala knit vest. That way, you get a super cool outfit that will no doubt get many admiring glances. We also offer a lot of nice shorts and loose pants in different colour combinations.

    For the colder months, it's also super nice to combine midi or maxi skirts with big chunky knitwear and a pair of sneakers. Whether you are into fine feminine skirts, simple gorgeous trousers or shorts for warmer times, we have something for everyone.

    Fit and quality

    When it comes to bottom wear, fit and quality are incredibly important. Whether we are talking about skirts or trousers, it is important to us that both quality and fit are absolutely perfect. In order for you to be happy with your bottom wear from Noella Fashion, it is essential that you feel comfortable in the piece and that the quality is durable and looks good. To extend the life cycle of your bottom wear, it is important that you always follow the washing instructions. We recommend washing your bottom wear as little as possible, as it both wears on the clothes and is bad for the environment. Instead, we recommend that you hang your clothes to air outside or in a steamy bathroom. Then you can easily take it for a wash every now and then. Take a look at our large selection of bottom wear for women and girls at - we are sure that you will find something that suits your taste.

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